As I scoured the rows and rows of incredible artisans at Franklin's Made South fair this fall, I came across a fantastic booth with brightly colored bowties! And of course as the owner of a wedding blog, my immediate thought was “how perfect would these be for groomsmen!?”. I soon found out that they were Goff Club Collection Bowties handmade in our neighbor state of Kentucky. And with owner Eric Goff's keen eye for design and prints, his bowties are truly the statement pieces you'll want for your wedding ceremony style! Take a look and read about his story below!
Eric on the beginning of Goff Club Collection: I started Goff Club Collection about a year and a half ago to try to provide consumers with some fun and colorful bow ties and pocket squares. Since college I have worn many of my grandfather's sport coats and suits that are loud an unique. Some examples are a couple Lily Pulitzer coats, a pink suede coat, and a baby blue suit. He was larger than life and never met a stranger but unfortunately passed away from complications of Alzheimer's, dementia, and sun downers. I wanted to keep his spirit alive so I began wearing his coats to events all while trying to tie them into the new pieces of clothing. I always received compliments on my pairings and was often asked what I'd be wearing next for which I often replied “what's your favorite color”. Fast forward and I decided to begin this company where I could provide some of that style and color to the consumer. I pick out all the fabric and have someone in town hand make the pieces. I wanted to appeal to the guy that is a salesman and wears a navy blue suit everyday. What could he add to his outfit to not only make his meetings memorable but also draw his customer to him? A custom bow tie or pocket square that stands out from the crowd. I also wanted to provide fun bow ties to mothers wanting to dress up their little dapper men. And it's not just guys; I have met some ladies that have found ways to wear our product or even accessorize with them. All in all, my goal is to provide limited edition and unique pieces to my audience. What is the fun of wearing the national brands that you see everywhere? Be bold and and make your own style!
Eric on working with brides and grooms: Shortly after starting the company I knew I wanted to also offer products to engaged couples for their special day. I think it's a great way to personalize your wedding and also makes a great groom's gift for the wedding party. I've seen how much is spent to merely rent an outfit and I wanted to provide something that the groomsmen could take home with them to remember the special day. I think our accessories really personalize a wedding by providing pieces that incorporate the colors of the wedding and can be mixed and matched between neckties and bow ties. We definitely attract a bride that loves color and patterns incorporated into her wedding. But I also understand that sometimes the couple wants something softer and subtle and we can take care of that also. By providing many different options (bow tie, necktie, and pocket square in both adullt and juniors) that can also be done pre-tied or tieable – we really try to cover all the bases.
Eric on what makes Goff Club Collection unique: Our philosophy is to provide a one-of-kind product to the customer at a reasonable price that is handmade and quality made. Finding the perfect fabric is a passion to me and I want to make sure the quality and service is top notch. Also we are reasonably priced and do not charge extra because it is a custom order. I really take an interest and hands on approach to providing the best possible product to my customer to ensure that their needs are met. I want our products to add a touch to an already special day! It is an honor when a couple allows us to contribute to a lifetime memory! The company only consists of myself and my seamstress, so a bride can know that they will get personal attention.
A note from Eric: Custom orders are always appreciated. We can do company functions, family pictures, charity events, etc so please contact us and see what we can do for you.
Thanks for sharing all about your ties and pocket squares, Eric! You can follow Goff Club Collection Bowties on Instagram here or visit their website and shop online here!
All photos provided by Goff Club Collection