Selling Your Wedding Gown? Quick Tips To Help You Clean It & Sell It Like A Pro

What are reasons a bride might consider selling her wedding dress?

If you don’t think you will pass it down to another generation, then you should.  Some brides purchase a more expensive wedding dress knowing that they are going to resell it.  Doing this makes it much more affordable.  Sometimes brides buy a gown too early and change their mind, so they want to sell the first gown in order to obtain the gown they really want.

If your budget requires that you recoup some of your wedding expenses or if you do not have an attachment to the gown, then resell is the right choice.  A lot of brides would also like to see someone else get to wear the dress, since they might not have been able to afford it otherwise.  Sort of a pay-it-forward.

Does the dress need to be cleaned before resell?

We strongly suggest that the gown is cleaned before reselling.  You will get more return on your investment.  As a member of the Association of Wedding Gown Specialists, we have just instituted a “Cleaning Certificate” that will state the condition of the gown after cleaning.  It will have the bride's name, date it was cleaned, special notes, and where it was cleaned.  This certificate can go with the gown at the time of sale.

What's the process for the resell of wedding gowns?

We do not handle any resell of gowns.  There are resell shops here in Nashville and online.  We are partnered with and recommend them as a great place to sell your dress.

Fabulous Frocks (whose gowns are pictured above) is a pre-owned gown boutique based in Nashville.  They can help you sell your pre-owned gowns as can Second Time Around, another local option for the Nashville bride.


Quick Tips:

1) If you are selling online: Contact Oakwood Cleaners to have your gown certified before attempting to sell it.  This will help others understand the condition of your gown before they purchase and could help it sell faster. Give them a call at one of their many Nashville-area locations.

2) If you opt to sell to a local bride, Nashville has at least 2 options: Fabulous Frocks and Second Time Around.  
